all postcodes in DG9 / STRANRAER

find any address or company within the DG9 postcode district

Postcode Area

DG / Dumfries

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
DG9 7AA 17 3 54.902963 -5.027428
DG9 7AB 13 7 54.90316 -5.027031
DG9 7AD 1 1 54.902352 -5.026368
DG9 7AE 24 0 54.902619 -5.025306
DG9 7AF 11 1 54.902003 -5.024776
DG9 7AG 15 3 54.903097 -5.024873
DG9 7AH 4 0 54.900726 -5.025881
DG9 7AJ 1 1 54.901406 -5.025261
DG9 7AL 14 3 54.899295 -5.02412
DG9 7AN 4 0 54.898234 -5.023385
DG9 7AP 5 1 54.899606 -5.026421
DG9 7AQ 6 1 54.900347 -5.025572
DG9 7AR 4 1 54.898863 -5.024493
DG9 7AS 3 0 54.897592 -5.024648
DG9 7AT 17 0 54.897924 -5.026092
DG9 7AU 9 0 54.897577 -5.0263
DG9 7AW 35 1 54.900724 -5.026661
DG9 7AX 4 0 54.897675 -5.028148
DG9 7AY 19 0 54.898013 -5.029749
DG9 7AZ 49 0 54.897174 -5.029499